Hi all,
I have been busy! :D
I have a few things to show you today - I have a craft fair zooming up so am working really hard to get a good stock and these items will not go on Etsy (yet) as I hope they'll go at the fair...
Firstly, some pretty Floral Padded Coat Hangers:
These were really nice to make as I simply LOVE the material, you may have noticed, and so I thought these would be a pretty little addition to any-ones bedroom. They are great for keeping those pesky hanger marks out of clothes that, well, mark easily. :) And with the little pink bow, I think they make a quintessentially English cottage item. I like!
Secondly, I have made some Red Flower & Dotty Round Base Draw String Pouches (quite a mouthful!):
This was one of those projects that just popped into my head and I had to make them! I have seen round base pouches before and always wanted to have a go myself, and so I thought about it, made a design, got out my delicate fabric and did! I have photographed them with a few ideas of what you can use them for - of course the choice is yours. I don't think there is a limit, is there?
Thirdly, here is a little project I undertook as part of a "oh, go on, I'm sure you can something with it!" prompt!
This is a (just one of many) baked bin tin turned into a pen-make-up-brushes-or-what-ever-holder! Simply put, there were beans in here, but they went (yum) and instead of the tin going into to recycle bin, it went into my 'to use later' bin...and was reborn! It is decorated with quality card stock, lined with two colours of felt and trimmed with ribbon. I think it's really cute! My parents did a great job collecting tins for me, so now I have a good stash to be working with ;)
And lastly for today, a whim of a project, a re-worked Pineapple Hoody into a Bag:
This was a project that came out of my 'to use later' bin too and happened in a very small amount of time - time that was meant to be spending with my family (I won't tell if you don't). I was packing up for the day, saw it, the light bulb glowed and that was it, the sewing stuff came back out again! This was mine..once. I have had it about 10 years, and was still going strong, but it just shrunk one too many times in the wash (really, it wasn't me getting bigger...) and I just couldn't use it anymore. :( Alas, all is not lost, it is now a bag! I chopped the arms off, made them into handles, sewed all the edges including the pockets, permanently closed the zip and then lined it with recycled linen. I might actually keep it for myself... ;)
Anyway, that's all for today, please give me a Like or even better, a comment below!
Thank you for reading, pass it on and have a nice day. :)
(c) FMN Crafts