I have been busy. As usual. Over the last two weekends, I exhibited at the Bakewell Town Hall for Craft Fairs and both were worthwhile. I had really good fun at each fair, made some more friends and made even more sales. A couple of people asked if I have a list of fairs and their dates that I am attending and although I didn't right then, I told them to look at my Facebook page every now and then, as I usually list up-and-coming dates on there. You can too...
Whilst I was at one fair, Verity, who runs Hedgerow Pickles and Preserves asked if I made Notice Boards. I said no. Then I thought about it and when I got home I planned it and then the following day I made these:
Tiny Blue Flowers with Cream Ribbon |
Strawberries with Red Ribbon |
I sent Verity an e.mail that day and she responded with "Oh my God, you don't mess around do you?! They're perfect!"
I was pleased. And so I made the strawberries one today. What's tomorrow you ask? Well, I ran out of some of the materials so I can't make any more until re-stocked. They are fully padded, the ribbons are taut and finished off with cute little buttons. They are ideal for sliding in business cards, envelopes, bills etc and you can also use fancy clips to attach things if you wish...
What do you think?
Leave me a comment if you like, Like me on Facebook too if you wish or pass this on. I'd love to hear what you think. There will be more styles, sizes and designs coming soon. I am exhibiting at one of Verity's Fairs in June so I may save them and make a stash for then...afterall, these were her idea ;) Thanks Verity!
Thanks for reading, have a happy week :)
(C) FMN Crafts 2014.