Sunday, 22 June 2014

Finger Puppets for Children

Evening all,

I want to share with you a little project I have been working on; Finger Puppets:

I have wanted to make some for a while and finally managed to do it. But these are a little different in that they are kits for children to have a go at making. But first, let me tell you about them.

This is Paula Pig:

Paula is very cheeky and loves to roll about in mud to keep her skin soft

This is Eric Elephant:

Eric is very funny and he loves to splash around in water

This is Crystal Cat:

Crystal is a glamor-puss and loves cream

This is Derek Dog:

Derek is friendly with everyone and loves to run and run

Cute or what? The kits come complete with all the components needed to make the relevent finger puppet including felt body pieces, noses, googly eyes, ears, mouths, threads etc along with a simple instruction leaftlet that I compiled for each one. All that is needed is an embroidery needle, some PVA glue, some safety scissors and a grown-up's help (where needed). They really are fun and will keep your little ones occupied for quite a while.

This is the pack and instructions for Paula Pig

What do you think? They will be available in my Etsy Store soon. I am exhibiting at Baslow Village Hall this coming weekend so I will take them there, and see how they go!

Thank you for reading, please share this if you like, or Like me on Facebook. Have a great week.


(C) FMN Crafts 2014

Friday, 13 June 2014

This Weekend...

Hi all,

Just a quick one to say that this Saturday and Sunday I will be exhibiting at the Matlock Bath Methodist Church, Derbyshire again, from about 11am - 5pm each day, with all my goods and some you haven't seen yet...! It's Father's Day in the UK this Sunday, so why not pop along, with the old pops, and see if you can buy him a well deserved treat?

A tiny section of my stall last time

Just before opening time

The entry is free, you will be subjected to fine foods to sample including locally produced cheeses, chutneys, honey, fudge and muffins as well as sampling the finest of craftsmanship in sewing, jewellery making, painting, card making, and artistry you don't find on the high street as well as a few branded named stalls. There really is something for everyone and with numerous car parks, even more chip shops and amusements, Abrahams Heights, Gullivers Kingdom and much, much more, it will be a day worth spending out with us.

See you there!

Oh, and if you come and say hi and mention this blog, there's a free gift in it for you! ;)

Thanks for reading, pass it on if you will.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Crayon Roll

Afternoon all,

So as promised from last time's teaser, this is my new Crayon Roll:

Something for the children. This Crayon Roll can be thrown into a school bag, a day bag or into a suitcase for a holiday...the possibilities of use are endless.

The materials are all cotton meaning it can be washed easily if need be and are really attractive prints. The tie is ribbon and matches really well and the ric-rac adds to the cuteness!

The roll comes complete with 12 mixed crayons, all around 3 and a bit inches long and ready to use. Please see it in my Etsy Store soon...


(C) FMN Crafts 2014

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

An Order of Bunting

Hello all,

Just a quick post to tell you about an order that was placed while I was at Matlock Bath in Derbyshire last week, for this bunting:

A lady saw mine pinned and hanging in front of my table cloth on the stall and then saw my Green & White Shopping Bags and asked if I could make some in that material. Of course I jumped at it! I love to do things slightly different and I welcomed the order. She had a few requirements that were different to that advertised and that made for a challenge. Love a challenge!

So this bunting is double sided as it will be hung in a window, it is double interfaced for durability, stability and less see-through-ness (I know), it makes up to the required 85", it has 1" gaps between each flag, it is sewn and then zig-zag edged and finally, it is bound using the same material.

It sounds so simple, and really, it was in terms of practice, it just takes some time and a lot of care, that's all. BUT I love doing it! So it makes it all ok.

Do you like it? Leave me a comment or Like me on Facebook if you will. Thanks.

Oh, and a little teaser of my other latest project:

This is to come in the next blog...stay tuned.


(C) FMN Crafts 2014